My Words Our Songs – Women’s Music & Creative Writing Project

‘My Words Our Songs’ is an album created through collaboration. designed to inspire and empower young women through creative writing and give a platform to current women artists. Through a series of workshops we supported young women to tell their stories and put their words on paper. These words were then given to established artists and musicians who turned them into songs.

‘My Words Our Songs’ brought together young people, writers, musicians, designers, film makers and more.. all women, who through collaboration, have opened their hearts and created something very beautiful and very real. We hope you enjoy listening to it as much as we have creating it.

Creative Writers: Maisy Ella, Toni, Kyra Warren, Kat Sax, Emily Harrison & Jodie Langford

The Project Band: Emily Moulton, Emma Fee, Lou Duffy-Howard & Ysabelle Wombwell.

Guest Artists: The Mountaineers, Eliza Shaddad, LUUNA & Jess Morgan

Artwork: Lydia Caprani –

Film: Katie Sunlay –

Tutors: Christina Lewis & Lou Duffy Howard

Project Manager: Ysabelle Wombwell

Special thanks: All of the people involved in the project above for the time and effort you have put into making this happen, PRS For Music Foundation, The Warren Young People’s Project, Furley & Co, Daniel Spooner, Steve Honest & BEATNIK creative.

Warren Records is a not-for-profit music development project supporting artists in and around Hull. All proceeds go towards sustaining and developing the project ©2016 – Warren Records is a PRS for Music Foundation Associate Talent Development Partner –

The Warren Youth Project

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