Metal detecting UK, Absolutely Awesome Coins Found!

Welcome to my metal detecting 2016 video. It has been quite some time since i last managed to get out metal detecting due to going on holiday and then accidentally slicing the tendons in my finger but today it felt healthy enough to get back out treasure hunting.
A great day was had metal detecting with my buddies Darren and Kyle and we had quite a few metal detector finds. Unfortunatly after a few hours though my hand was starting to get sore and i had to call it a day.
I used my Minelab Safari metal detector in all metal mode, -10 and +40 notched out. These settings seem to find coins and relics at very deep depths and i recommend you giving them a try,

If you enjoy the video please give it a thumbs up and a share with your friends and subscribe for more metal detecting videos.

By Andy Baines Metal Detecting

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