A day in Hull – victoria square, humber street & princes avenue
As a proud Hull resident, born and residing as an art student in this thriving cultural city, I wanted to make a video that captured a day venturing around the local scenes. This year, Hull has been voted as the City of Culture 2017, and for a good reason!
Some of my top recommendations include the Queen’s Victoria Square for the Ferens Art Gallery and Humber Street, the Old Town, Princes and Newland Avenue for alternative bars, eateries, galleries and shops.
Venues/Artists mentioned:
Chinese Laundry
Head of Steam
Thieving Harrys
Pinky Vision
Mark Wigan
Pavey Ark (Music linked below)☟
Humber Street Gallery
Kingston Art Gallery
80 Days Bier Haus
Daniel R Mitchell
If you are from Hull or the surrounding area and would like your music to be featured in one of my videos, please contact me at:
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Website ► https://lucyannaportfolio.wordpress.com/
Instagram ► @lucyannaartist
Twitter ► @lucyannaartist
As an art and music lover, my aim is to always do my part to support the local talent in Hull’s thriving creative city.
Pavey Ark, featured in this video, is a folk acoustic band with heart warming atmospheric melodies, perfect for relaxing to. I discovered at their EP launch in the Hull venue, Früit (@fruitspace). Go show them some ♥ …
Bandcamp ► https://paveyark.bandcamp.com/
Soundcloud ► www.soundcloud.com/paveyark
Youtube ► www.youtube.com/channel/UCV0Bt-Q-UhmLU8BLN-e-J8g
Facebook ► https://www.facebook.com/paveyarkmusic/
Instagram ► @pavey_ark
Twitter ►www.twitter.com/paveyark
Email ► bookings@paveyark.co.uk