SPORT88 Videos

Beverley AC’s Annual 10km Road Race

Beverley AC’s Annual 10km Road Race

Did you watch the Beverley AC’s Annual 10km Road Race? If you didn’t, dont worry we have the highlights here for you to enjoy. Beverley AC’s Annual 10km Road Race. Filmed […]
Beverley AC’s Walkington 10km Road Race

Beverley AC’s Walkington 10km Road Race

Beverley AC’s Walkington 10km Road Race – This was filmed on Friday 13th July 2018. Footage Taken about the 4 mile point (Little Weighton). Filmed by Dave Gowans
Beverley Races 1973 archive ref EYBE

Beverley Races 1973 archive ref EYBE

The sport of horse-racing has been a feature of the town of Beverley since 1752. Year in and year out people flock to the long established racecourse on the Westwood […]
Boxing Academy, Grimsby

Boxing Academy, Grimsby

A look at the work being done at Grimsby Boxing Academy, led by Andy Cox. The Club operates a scheme to help NEETS learn valuable life skills and get them […]
Cage Football in Immingham

Cage Football in Immingham

The award winning partnership, Operation Kincorth, brought Cage Football and other activities to Immingham for the young people to get involved in over the Halloween and Bonfire period. Filmed by TV4Change