Dr Isabel Pires talks – What can cancer tell us about itself? TEDxHull

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One of the best tools we have to study cancer is cancer itself, in the shape of the cancer cell line. Cell lines are incredibly advantageous tools used worldwide to advance our knowledge of cancer and how to better treat it. But they also hide a fascinating history. This will be a tale of immortality, controversy, authenticity and space travel, using a cast of millions.

Dr. Isabel Pires is a cancer research scientist and lecturer in biomedical science at the University of Hull. Isabel is particularly interested in the biology of low oxygen in tumours (tumour hypoxia). Low oxygen in tumours drives them to become more aggressive and spread to other parts of the body. Isabel’s research aims to understand these changes to spot aggressive cancers early on, and better treat them. Isabel is an avid science communicator, who can be found at events such as festivals and science cafes geeking out about cancer biology. She is also a keen advocate for improving the visibility of women in science and is the main organiser of Soapbox Science Hull, which is back again in Hull for 2017.

This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community.

Film by TEDx Talks

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